About Me
About Me *
It is a given when you visit an artist’s website that they are dedicated to their craft, but theatre is my entire life. As a little kid, I had such intense visions and plans for my Barbie games that my parents tease me to this day. I would force my family into costume and give them lines (and line readings) to deliver. From the time I was 8 years old I have been in dance classes, choir, and any other mode of performance I could be involved in. My first ever role was “Mom” in a fifth grade choir production of Home Alone (I was the tallest girl in the class). In high school, I was the president of International Thespian Society, and I would cut class to reorganize and catalog the costume closet. I spent my years in college getting my hands on as many areas of theatre as physically possible, and in my final semester, I had six opening nights. I think I was born with the need to do theatre, and I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life.
I have a strong passion for new plays. I enjoy working with playwrights, actors, and designers to build a story from the ground up. Through The Farm Theater College Collaboration (https://www.thefarmtheater.org/college-collaboration.html), I assistant directed THE RUMINANTS by Dipti Bramhandkar. There was something so exciting about how invested everyone was in this play. This is where my love of new works began, and I was led to directing a staged reading of Tira Palmquist’s FALLING KNIVES (formerly titled THE LAST TIME WE SAW MADISON). Both of these plays had the same high energy rehearsal rooms, and it brings me so much joy to be involved in the early stages of taking these stories off the page.
Thank you for reading this far! If you want to read more of what I have to say, I have linked two interviews below!

Opening Night of Waitress

Competing in the SDC Directing Initiative at KCACTF

New play development workshop in NYC for The Ruminants

SETC with the girlies